Over the years I've been really curious to step into men's jewelry. Afterall, I've married a man that likes to stack rings and bracelets and really enjoys jewelry. These are the rings I've given him over the course of last 9 years. As you can see worn and lived in.
During 2020, I even made headspace, studio space and funds space to start something, that I eventually scrapped. But ideas are still ruminating.
Lucky for me, I usually get a swift kick when an inquiry reaches me for something outside my bounds. It went something like this: "My partner is an anesthesiologist, he can't wear anything that can obstruct and interfere with his work. We also want a locking component as in BDSM world "locking up" someone is as close to engagement as it gets."
I was super intrigued and of course terrified.
For years I've been meaning to recreate a bracelet based on an heirloom I received from my father. I wear this bracelet and love it and the shape of it is amazingly comfortable and timeless.
So I took this opportunity to pay homage to this 1940-50's piece and create new mechanism, width and finish. I had to work with CAD (computer aided design) to get this executed with some help from a super engineering friend. It was a complicated journey!
So what do you think? Am I ready to expand on this idea and dip into Oblik Atelier Men's jewelry world? Would love to hear your thoughts.
1 comment
Yes You’re so good at delving into new areas. 🤍
donna forgue on