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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka- "Resplendent Land". We found out, it truly is, a beautiful place. Beautiful people and nature, abundance of fruit, vegetables, spices and flora and fauna, concentrated on a 430 km long i...

Let there be lights!

People always speak about my work as wearable sculpture. I have adopted that description long time ago, and now I'm trying to rephrase it as there are so many  artists and brands utilizing that ver...


I mentioned before that part of this public journaling is for me to remember and be able to go back in time and dip back into a particular feeling, emotion or thought surrounding events, my creati...

Wise Women

Women. Our Choices, Our Decisions, Our Rights.  It is the 21st century and I am actively engaged in preserving these rights. If someone told me in college I would be grappling with this today, I wo...

In Awe

This writing is as much for you as it is for me. Somewhat last minute we decided to add Egypt, after visiting our families, to our cross Atlantic jaunt. We only had a week. We planned Cairo, follow...

Family ties

It has been 10 years since I visited Sarajevo, a city where my father and his wife and my brother and sister live. My father was unwell towards the end of the year and I planned a visit right after...

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